Tuesday 14 July 2009

The History

I've been playing WoW for ages now, probably over a year, not including the various breaks I've had from it.
I played since my Day of Defeat: Source clan changed from fps to MMO. We rolled an alliance Guild with about 15 strong of us playing. We played on the Bloodscalp EU realm, under the guild name of "UWE" which, coincidentally was the name of our DOD:S clan.

This was pre-wrath, and a whole bunch of my friends were still at Uni, so they had a bit more game time than I, and leveled a wee bit quicker.

I played a super healing priest named "Slowshoe" a safe name, since it can be interpreted in two ways, Slow shoe or Slows hoe. Make your own conclusion ;)

After I managed to level myself to get into Outland, I swapped spec to shadow priest and went off being a vampire with health leaching abilities.

Most of my time was spent soloing or getting a boost here and there with some friends. On the whole, I missed out heaps of lore, with the aim to catch up.

I never did.

As such I wasn't really enjoying the game greatly, and often just didn't play. My timing was quite good in that respect, because my core friend group within our Guild (mainly leaders of the previous clan version of us) were getting fed up of our GM and or other people, or just being an alliance player.

So upon my return I went to a new server, rolled a horde rogue, and didn't look back. My friends caught on, and slowly shifted themselves over, and we re-created the Guild on the horde server, minus all the boring rules we had previously and in addition, all the cool people (save a few that found a cooler alliance guild that was super efficient raid wise etc.)

Great I thought, not only have I got a few levels advantage, but we are all starting on a roughly even field so no-one will run off ahead and leave me, and a few of the others behind again.

Sadly this quickly changed back to the others leveling faster and leaving myself and some mates behind.

So playing my rogue was heaps of fun, when I got on, I loved the idea of not being seen, pinching money, then killing for more money, just this tactic alone netted me a decent amount of cash to start off with.

I played on and off, enjoying being horde way more than alliance.

Wrath came, and I enjoyed the changes and quests you could solo with ease as a rogue, in fact almost all quests were solo-able with a rogue, t was just certain instances or raid things I sucked at.

The need to learn the lore kicked in, as this is really what I enjoy most in games, the story. So I wanted to go back to all the content I'd missed, while my guild prepares itself for raids and endgame content, I'm off playing solo. Typical me.

Even as a level 78 rogue, I didn't find soloing instances all that easy, in fact, with my stealthy build, its been darn near pants soloing content.

Which brings us up to where I am now pretty much.

I've done a bit of research, and based on a simple idea of self healing and tanking, from way back when, a paladin seemed the right way to go. Oh I'm sure someone will say they aren't the best tanking or best healing, but I wanted to play one, that I can level and solo most things with, straight off the bat.

So I've rolled my paladin, and this blog will be based around him, my rogue, my bank warlock alt, and some other alts, as and when I dream them up.

Have I revealed too much about my characters, hopefully not.

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