Wednesday 22 July 2009

The Good, The Bad, And the Incredibly Retarded.

Before we delve to deeply into what amounts to the point of this post, I first want to just quickly define how most people (to the best of my own experience) go about rating how they "win" in WoW.

Person A: Is hugely successful at making gold, infact they've hit the gold cap on all 500 of their alts. This person has dominated WoW, on every single possible type of alt, with regards to money making.

Person B: Is the name everyone who is anyone in WoW knows to tbe the top pvp'r in all of WoW's realms and has never ever tasted defeat in any Battlegrounds.

Person C: Is the player that has completed all content in WoW, every quest line, every achievement, every profession cap there is to be had.

Person D: The WoW Raid King. Clearing instances no-one else can fathom.

Person E: Everyone else who can achieve bits of the above in one form or another.

I'd be happy to say most clued up players in WoW fall into the grouped Person E range. I really ought to stress "most".

Sometimes we (society) group people into certain pre-defined social groups before we know much about them, infact we do this all the time. With regards to WoW, the above groups are what I tend to group most players I encounter into.

The people I know IRL that play WoW fall into the same category as me, which is Person E. Lets face it, we all dream of being someone like A-D but aren't, and can only strive to be them.

Those groups are, for me anyway, are better known as "The Good". They have succeeded where I have failed, they have beaten most people to the goals, they are pretty damn good at what they've set out to do.

Therefore my group is more like "The Bad" only because we aren't "The Good" but strive to be so, we can do most things well, achieve half of what they have, and can function within the game, to the best of our abilities and time constraints. Ultimately we dont suck ass, but we don't rock the world of Azeroth either.

Which brings me to the final group, "The Incredibly Retarded".

You'll notice I havn't got a social group I can place them in, mainly because defining them as people is a task in itself.

I haven't played WoW for as long as most people, and I certainly havn't achieved as much as I could if I applied myself. Heck its a game, i'm there to enjoy it as well ya know! I've certainly seen my fair share, however, of incredibly stupid things.

We have all experienced it, from the "heal ZG now" to the "give me gold" to "I R L33T".

Yes we get noobitos in the game, but they learn, these Fail Meat Sacks however seem to feed off being totally retarded within the game.

Last night, as my Rogue, Iwas asked to heal. A long story short, after joining their group for the lol's, and failing at healing, I was booted for being a bad healer.


Not long before this, I was playing my low level bank alt, and got asked to boost through UK (Utgarde Keep).

As my priest (who I try never to play anymore) I've been asked to tank.

Usually people take this with a pinch of salt, surely they aren't serious, maybe it was a mistake, but still, after a small explanation of why their request is totally retarded, the request comes in again.

Yes these people are the "Incredibly Retarded" purely for the fact they fail at all things considered common sense, and/or applying what brain activity they have to higher thought.

I often sit at my computer and try to picture the type of person that could so incredibly fail at being sensible.

The image I have now painted myself, is that of a teenage chav, with 18 babies around them (all suggesting sensible things) and said chav mistaking it for baby talk, while necking another 2 litre bottle of White Lighting.

Then I chuckle to myself, accept their invite, and watch them fail.

Maybe its counter producive, but it proves time and time again, that Retards are everywhere. I'll grab a screenie of the next one I encounter, just for the kicks.


Anonymous said...

I usually imagine the Failsacks as 14 year old French teenagers, wanking into a sock with one hand and attempting to play WoW with the other...

Mr. Menagerie said...

Type E Player here as well...

I play at my own pace and a casual one at that. I did take about a year & 1/2 off but I began playing on day one.

My main (a Pally) is only lvl 68 lol

But I'm getting there slowly now that I'm back, well I guess I would be lvl'ing my pally faster IF I hadn't started a Hunter for the 1st time (lvl 18 now atm)... some other player we know, I play Solo primarily, but will help out as best I can with a Pug if they want me or we find ourselves in the same loc and on the same quest/s.

But for the most part I compete with one person and one person only...ME :)

If I get a new piece of gear that's better than one I had I'm making progress. Or if I get to a new loc I've never explored (and there are some lol) I feel I'm making progress.

It's all about what makes you happy and how YOU want to play the game ;)

But I agree, there are some pretty peculiar folks that play the game...I know, because I watch the /Trade channel far too much lol

Regards & Good Hunting!